Saturday, 4 October 2014

Elements of Life

The Art of Life : 

There are lots of Elements that Describe life, few that we chose to adapt in this ever growing world, and others that just happen around us. Our choices are simply influenced by the Society we live in. 

Being a Minimalist and living a Simplistic life, or being a Hipster and following all the possible trend and upkeep with technology is an unanswered question that keeps us doing what we do best. LIE ! 

As we keep doing things over and over again, we tend to lose out lots of Elements of Life, that makes life as is. Most of the time we don't even look back at it, as looking back at our past is considered weak, hence we keep pushing ourselves forward, moving along this thin line called Need to Survive. 

This Video is a depiction of reality often forgotten amidst of the Great Brands we associate ourselves with, and a following the Blind Wit to fit in (pEriOd)